Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Profiling by Colours. Interesting. Courtesy of Pei Wen.
Click here!You are striving for a life full of activity and experience and, perhaps even more, an environment where you would be able to forge a close bond with a person who can offer full emotional fulfilment.
You want what you want and you need all that you want and, as they say in the movies, you are the sort of individual that 'By hook or by crook' you will, by fair means or foul, endeavour to get what you are looking for.
Being a very proud individual, you tend to hold yourself aloof pretending that you are stoical - indifferent to pain and pleasure. This is not so, for in truth you are an extremely emotional individual, one that may make a hasty decision and perhaps regret it at leisure. It is time now to break the bond of detachment and be the 'you' that you would like to be - give vent to your emotions and enjoy yourself.
You are feeling full of uncertainty and worrying over what you consider as missed opportunities. This is causing considerable stress and tension. You feel that there must be more to life than the constant pressures and anxieties - that surely life must hold far more opportunities than that which it has to date presented to you. You sincerely believe that there must be a simpler way to tap life's hidden recourses and should you be able to find that way - you could achieve your hearts desire. It's the not knowing 'how' that is affording you the constant worry. You are constantly probing and seeking - trying to ensure that at all times you are on your guard against missing any opportunity. 'Enough is enough'. You are anxious to avoid further setbacks. You are strenuously trying to make sure that you will not be overlooked and you badly need security.
The fear that you may not be able to fulfil or realise all of your ambitions makes you work and play hard. The thought of being prevented from achieving the things you want leads you to play your part with frantic fervour.
思念是一种病 {7:34 pm}
BOO! Haha, the reason I'm online now? Been on MC since Sun, till today. It felt weird going to see a doctor cause usually I would just
ying4 cheng1 and continue my work but really, was too fatigued to want to book in back on Sun night. So the rest worked wonderfully and I'm feeling much better now. Gotta book in tonight still, and the best thing I heard is that tomorrow could be a half day for us. Woo Hoo!
Last week I did things which I never tried ever before:
1. Jam up the expressway (ECP)
2. Sit down and talk cock on the expressway (ECP)
3. Sashay along the expressway (ECP)
4. Getting a tan by the expressway (ECP)
Yup, the work just sucked. We were like free Chinese labourers. Blah.
And so the whole of last week didn't rain, only for it to rain on AHM day itself. How coincidental. So I was pretty drenched to the skin while marshalling opposite Millenia Walk. The crowd is crazy so my eyes hurt after a while trying to spot friends and/or girls. =p The only one that left an impression was a pretty cute one who was getting
xian-ed by this guy from guards. Zzz.
Gonna have off in-lieu this week Thurs, Fri & Mon for our work put in for AHM. Great long weekend. No plans though. Sigh, maple again. My new passport is ready for collection too! Excited to get my hands on it.
思念是一种病 {6:51 pm}
Sunday, August 20, 2006
And the weekend.. is OVER again. If I don't remember wrongly, it stands at 10 weeks to completion of Crescendo which equates to near-end of NS. Yippee!
Gonna be busy these 2 weeks with the dumb Army Half Marathon. even losing my coming weekend, which sucks!
when something big needs our help, who do you call? sai gang warriors!The new biopassport that I applied is ready! Can collect any time within this 2 weeks. Yay. Hope it looks cool.
Been chionging maple. Oh man. Don't ask me why but all other games are pretty boring already. Go Maple!
See you all in 2 weeks time!!!!!
思念是一种病 {8:18 pm}
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Library book sale.
Was crazy.
As if books were free.
As if books were new.
Super long queue, super kiasu.
People were like simply grabbing random books 1st, before bringing them to one corner to select those they want.
思念是一种病 {9:38 pm}
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
24 interesting facts/things/habits about me (why am i doing this? ask aud -_-)
1. Sometimes I just enjoy being alone. So just understand when I sulk if you try to be friendly when I'm in a
being-lonely mood.
2. I almost always order venison meat whenever I eat
zhi char3. I have always wanted to travel to each of the continents, as well as visit each of the World Wonder.
4. I think my parents are the greatest, and my sis too.
5. I'm only able to do things that I like doing fast and efficiently. If not, I'm grumble grumble, but will still do it.
6. I disliked reading books because of the amount of time it takes, thus from Sec 1 to Y2 i rarely read any.
7. Since army, I read more than I ever did due to the amount of free time I have.
8. No chilli.
9. Don't really like being born so late, cause whenever it's my birthday, it's either an exam day or it's the holidays.
10. Was a sucker for old currency notes of Singapore.
11. Practically no hobbies currently.
12. Not sure whether i hit 180cm, last measured was 179.8cm
13. Hates my current lifestyle, total waste of my time.
14. Nokia phones fan.
15. Picked up interest in finance last year.
16. Only musical instrument I know how to play is the guitar, and not very well though.
17. I used to only listen to 98.7fm during my college days, but now, it's 93.3fm all the way.
18. Don't like it when people disagree with the way I do things, which may be a bad thing sometimes.
19. I strongly believe in myself.
20. I only use a certain particular spoon for my meals at home.
21. I used to dislike wearing jeans, not even owning a single pair, until 2 years ago. Now 90% of my pants are jeans.
22. Recently been eating only Haagen Dazs ice cream at home.
23. It took me a whole day to finish this.
24. It's finally complete.
思念是一种病 {7:23 am}
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Would you dump an NS boy for a Uni Man?it's not written by meOf course!
Oh, sheathe those claws, boys. Don't be rude. You would do so if you were in the same position.
Think about it: New environment and you're all alone; you don't recognise a single face and you're worrying how and where to start; your partner can't understand what you're facing and it's hard to explain; and then, you make a new bunch of proximity friends, and it's so much easier to hang out with them.
Hmmm? That's not university? That's national service? Well, well, well, how alarmingly bright you are. And here I was, worrying myself to wrinkles that I might die in the couple of decades you'd take to get it.
So you see, right? Beginning University and starting National Service is almost the same experience. I say "almost" because I know that if I said "the same", all the NS recruits in the country would be swarming over me like a pack of hounds before the night is out. They'd bay for my blood, because I had dared equate the tortures of 24-klik marches under the blazing sun and grimy sweaty trench-digging with "going to school".
"Going to school"? Ha! Now it's the university students turn to snort. University's a far cry from primary school where wide-eyed kiddies sweetly share their last piece of keropok with you. Anything precious here is more likely to be tightly wedged between a butt and a chair than shared. It is here you feel the need to find friends fast more than ever. It's the pack instinct: safety in numbers; comfort and acceptance too.
So, when you're feeling more than a little vulnerable, you crave comfort, as girls do when they play Moses and bravely face the Red Sea. And we all know that Comfort's schizo, right, girls?
Sometimes she's Ben & Jerry's (gender-crisis), sometimes she's Cadbury & Hersheys, while other times she's Paul & Frank. That is, Paul, your 3-year NS boyfriend; and Frank, that guy from your university orientation group.
It's not that you don't love Paul. After all, he was the one that gave you your first kiss; he was the one sitting next to you, picking at the miniscule plate of Prom Night food you each paid a bomb of $90 for; he was the fool that queued an hour at MacDonald's to buy that Hello Kitty toy you wanted, throwing away the McMeal. (SIN! Mistreatment of food! WASTREL!)
But things have changed. It's not the same anymore, you sniffle delicately. He's changed. All he wants to do is talk about his water-parades, complain about his officer-in-charge, that time he scrubbed the loo with his platoon, and his buddy (now that really perturbs you).
Frank, on the other hand (literally), is ever so attentive, always there for you, and oh, oh, so understanding…..
Smell the coffee, girl! OF COURSE, he's understanding! That guy's in the same university as you! He breathes the same lecture hall air as you, eats the same canteen food as you, sleeps in the library and drools over the same course books as you! It isn't hard to be understanding when you're doing all the same things!
No, shut up Frank , I'm not blaming you. I just want Pollyanna here to see how obvious it is that you have the Unfair Advantage in this case. Yes, the UA.
The UA presents itself in every single situation that occurs. Born of the Unfair World, the UA clings on to one party that catches its fancy and allocates them that tad bit more weight to tip the scales in their favour. Intrinsically irrational, UAs choose not by logic, but by pure whim and coincidence.
Coincidence, that he's at the same stage of life with you, enabling him to be there physically when you need him, to be in the experience with you. If it was based on that alone, Paul would never have had a chance. Why would you choose a partner who can never be there over a partner who always is?
Because you know it's not Paul's fault. He didn't choose not be there. He didn't choose to be away in Brunei killing chickens and wearing 5 day old underwear when you wanted to talk to someone about your voodoo plans for your slacker project mate.
But you've reached a point when you don't particularly care, you just want someone to be there for you. You know you'll hurt Paul's feelings and that bites, but you can't help being selfish. You want to be selfish. You want what feels best for you.
Now we're left feeling awfully sorry for Poor Paul and snarling at Frank the Filch. However, if recall what I said earlier, the situation of entering NS and beginning University life being almost the same, what do you think would have happened if Paul started NS with a co-ed company and Pollyanna entered an all-girls University?
Sounds far-fetched? Well, just indulge me and stretch your imaginations thinner. Paul, is now the one with opportunities galore, and Pollyanna? Pollyanna's the nun.
So, tell me, who is more likely to break up with who?
In a Chanel lipstick case (because a nutshell is so passé), we are all Fortune's fools. She plays us in situations we have little control over. Live with it.
And all the Pauls out there? Life's not over. In 2 years time, you'll be at university, and then, during the orientation camp, you finally get the chance to introduce yourself as " Frank, the name's Frank."
credits: http://www.funkygrad.com/think/displayarticle.php?artID=786&subcat=relationships
思念是一种病 {11:22 pm}
ok, seriously, the last time I saw Mi Lu Peng perform, I had already imagined they had everything there for them. The crowd, the vocals, the style everything. And it took only 1 look at their 1 song, which i can't remember cuz it's way back in May during my POI that I saw them perform that one time.
instinct? probably. so tell me what's going to happen next?
思念是一种病 {11:07 pm}