Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I give up. At least for today.
思念是一种病 {11:35 pm}
I am not getting anywhere in Philo.
Online help is of not much use to me.
Not sure how to settle this 25%.
Already thinking of throwing in the towel.
思念是一种病 {10:55 pm}
With much on my mind, I practically blazed (ie. speed) all the way to school this morning. Somehow, I find driving the only thing that I have control over. There may be external factors such as slow traffic, but it is I who is in charge of the wheel. I dictate how fast the car go.
With Nation Building mid term (more like end term) out of the way, I have to rush for my Philo paper and qet presentation.
1 Tiger please. Oh wait, make that 2. 1 isn't potent enough.
思念是一种病 {8:27 pm}
Heads, I lose. Tails, I lose.
In need of more than 1 can tonight.
思念是一种病 {10:05 am}
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
How am I to help a friend who has some relationship problems?
Technically, it should not be relationship problem, considering he isn't in one. But anyway, problems with girls once again. Looking back in history, he has been rejected quite a number of times, ditched by his exes, and absolutely luckless in love.
And as he was relating his story to me, he got to know this wonderful girl from I don't know where. Well, they did not seem to get along well at first because they did not have much in common. It is still pretty much the same now but at least they have slightly more to talk about. Of course a loveable girl like her would not be short of suitors, and that's what holding him back now.
Though confessing previously to her (which he was rejected of course), he's not too sure whether to push the friendship one step further or to leave it as it is. Throw a coin perhaps? Heads to go ahead, tails to step back.
Sigh, girls. They are so (fill in adjective), and yet we still love them all the same. Sometimes, we just wish for them to be slightly, more proactive. Slightly is the keyword. Overboard and it's weird.
School's been relatively okay. Having my Nation Building mid term test tomorrow. Been reading readings, and now there's like every kind of information floating around aimlessly in my mind. Pretty worried for my finals Psychology, South Asia and Nation Building tests. 3 that test my memory skills in a short span of less than 24hours.
Then again, apart of Singapore information floating around, there's always many things that preoccupy my mind. It's already damn limited and yet I'm flooding it. And there's the voidness that has yet to be filled. Maybe it's time for some alcohol, which I have not had in a long time. May it soothe the night for me.
思念是一种病 {10:30 pm}
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Money makes the world go round.
This has been a much cited quoted by people who are i) in love with money, ii) need money desperately or iii) blinded by money. A more apt saying would be that 'money goes round the world' instead.
Money in today sense isn't really worth much as compared to decades ago. Previously, during the industrial age, money truly is the driving force of many people. But right now in today's information age, personal satisfaction is one of the key gains of people. And by personal satisfaction, I mean things that money can never ever buy or things that are no longer being able to be bought.
Can all the money in the world cure you of an incurable disease? You might spend all your money to invest in research and development of a new drug, but it does not translate to immediate results. Can money buy back a loved one who has unfortunately passed away? Needless to say, it's impossible. Can money salvage a broken relationship? If it can, the partner must be a materialistic person, and you're better off without him/her instead. Can money earn you respect? It is more likely people are respecting your money instead.
So money cannot really buy anything we want in the world. That is not to say money is not important. $10 to us may be a small sum, but to the eyes of a farmer living in poverty for his whole lifetime, that same $10 could be the ticket to freedom from poverty.
Likewise, as we get richer, there are more things that we want that may not necessarily be able to purchase with money alone. Not forgetting, as we get richer, the value of money becomes smaller and the things we want becomes larger.
思念是一种病 {9:34 am}
Sunday, October 14, 2007
And so, bash is out of the way. Finally culminated on 12th Oct at Zouk. It has been a long time since I was part of a committee to organise an event and it sure was fun. Though I must admit I didn't manage to contribute much, because 1) there wasn't much to do, & 2) my head is damn zai.
Didn't really drank alot but after my 1st mug of vodka red bull, I could feel slight effects of getting high. Went around the club while looking for wl's friends and saw alot of kuku army-buaya-boys! The whole place is like damn filled with them. Argh. And of course, saw first hand how girls are most vulnerable at a club.
Reeling the effects of sleep deprivation and alcohol, still feeling slightly seh. Unproductive Sat, again. Only managed to complete one reading. Hai, how to get into the studying mood again?
思念是一种病 {2:43 am}
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Just back from archery today. Felt a very strong inclination towards skipping today's session because of the damn hot weather. Not forgetting the arrows are sucky, but made the trip down nevertheless. Was feeling quite sian as I walked towards the gathering area, until I walked past some of the senior archers and their enthusiasm and friendlyness sure perked me up. Their simple gesture of smiling and greeting was enough to make me continue archery.
And was today shooting great! Played some team event, and even though we were only the 2nd highest, I managed to shoot my best ever. 10,8,9,9,9,8,10,7 to give me a total of 70 out of 80. It felt great to have people complimenting my consistency and that I should consider joining the cca. However, it's only a short shooting distance, 18m (the shortest) and the largest target board (40cm). Still a long way more to go =]
思念是一种病 {7:57 pm}
Monday, October 08, 2007
One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it.Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.Suddenly, an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine."The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was beating strongly, but it was full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right and there were several jagged edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges where whole pieces were missing.The people stared -- how can he say his heart is more beautiful, they thought? The young man looked at the old man's heart and saw its state and laughed. "You must be joking," he said. "Compare your heart with mine. Mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears.""Yes," said the old man, "yours is perfect looking but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love - I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart,but because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared.""Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his heart to me.These are the empty gouges -- giving love, is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful heart and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man with trembling hands. The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.By Unknown Author
Took this from ZhiRong's blog who got it from another friend. So I would believe that only without truly loving anyone, would your heart be perfect. And like the old man, I have empty spaces. But now, maybe, I have forgotten how to give it out.
思念是一种病 {10:29 pm}
思念是一种病 - 张震岳 当你在穿山越岭的另一边
思念是一种病 {6:35 pm}
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Does being in a relationship make one live life fuller?
Having just returned from Zhenfai's surprise birthday celebration organised by Meifang, I realised how much I am missing. Having someone to plan a surprise, book the venue, order the food, organising the friends and decorating the place. It really is very sweet of her.
But what we are seeing is on the surface level, where things are all rosy and nice. Ever taken a step to look deeper? The problems, quarrels or differences will come up someday. Nevertheless, I believe how you solve such matters is important in strengthening the relationship.
Being involved in a relationship surely does makes one feel happier each day, for you know there's someone who cares for you like you care for him/her. At least it makes everyday something to look forward to. Be it a date, a call or even a simple message.
Then again, too many people in long term relationships are going through a rough patch recently. And it definitely has adverse effects. The broken heart feeling, the I-cannot-stop-thinking-about-him/her-feeling, yes it sucks.
So it a relationship worth the sacrifice afterall?
Editor's note: I've tried hard, taken up driving, guitar, diving.. but sometimes, it ain't that simple.
思念是一种病 {9:19 pm}
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Does a pet have no say?
My dad just brought back my dog, Junior, after undergoing ovaric-hysterectomy operation. That is to say, Junior, has had his testes removed and prevented from breeding. I looked at him and felt pity for Junior. How is a male dog ever going to feel like a male dog without his testes? It's like in the olden days where eunuchs have to be castrated before being able to serve the emperor. And they were definitely no longer the men they used to be.
This brings us back to the point, why did we have to send Junior for sterilization? We all along had no intention of breeding dogs, so that should not be a problem. Nevertheless, the government promotes it. We have all seen it, the advertisements at bus stops and on our television screens, "sterilized pets, makes better pets." Furthermore, with the new ruling of licensing for dogs, it is a difference of $56 for the registration of a sterilized dog compared to an unsterilized dog. So much has been put forward to get dog owners to send their dog for sterilization.
But have we taken a look at it from a dog's viewpoint? Do they not have any right, any say against it? Eunuchs had the choice, they chose to earn more economically and giving up their sex lives. But do our dogs ever said they wanted it? What ever do dogs gain by undergoing sterilization? How much of a better pet would they make?
Suddenly I felt so sorry for Junior as he is lying in a new corner of the sofa, refusing even to lick my fingers when i offered to him. Maybe he's just back from the operation and not in a stable state yet. Hopefully, his character doesn't change much. I still want him to be that cute and adorable Junior who ran up to me when I came home last night.
思念是一种病 {5:23 pm}
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Critically assess the following statement, "Mug your head!"
At first glance, the sentence has no syntax nor meaning. But to understand it, we must look at the pragmatics of the sentence. To 'mug' is a common lingo among students to refer to studying. And 'Mug your head!' must have been used by a depressed student trying to scold another fellow student whom he sees as 'mugging' too much.
'Mug' is an ambiguous word for it has many meanings. However, when we put 'mug' in this context, our brain automatically narrows it down to 'mug' as in studying. A mug however is a glass or cup and has no influence in this sentence whatsoever. But in this context, 'muggers' refer to people who study excessively. So we can hear people at the library constantly complaining to their fellow friends, "Look, another mugger who's going to be at the right-end of the bell curve, and frag me who will be at the left-end."
This leads on to another word, being 'frag'. The word 'frag' originated from the game CounterStrike, where 'fragging' means to obtain a kill against a member of the opposite team. Hence, to 'frag' means to win or to dominate over another person. Which, when put into the sentence, it makes sense.
How does 'your head' fit into the statement? If we were to study, the information will be encoded into the brain and not the head. Likewise, the information can be consolidated in the brain and it has nothing to do with the head at all. But, 'your head' is used here because we tend to generalise and regard both the brain and head as a single chunk.
All in all, 'mug your head' is actually a useful and meaningful sentence used to put down another student, who in your opinion, is studying too much. It is also used when a person is depressed, under stress or otherwise in an abnormal state of psychological well being.
In conclusion, MUG YOUR HEAD LAH!
Editor note: It's muggles for Harry Potter, point taken! =p
思念是一种病 {12:26 am}