Friday, December 28, 2007
Like last year, around this time of the year is to reflect upon my resolutions for 2007. The post on them are
1. Not complain so much about army life anymore, and when the time comes, to embrace "civilianity".
Lessen down complains and totally embracing civilianity!2. Pick up diving.
Yup yup, can't wait to dive during the 3 month break again!3. Try for another sport.
Archery! Though the bows and arrows were quite sucky, for we are only their exposure class, it was a good experience nevertheless.4. Find an interesting part time job that gives me good experience.
Working at Prudential? =] 5. Participate in trekking.
Failed in this again. Totally no time to go trekking.6. Join camps in Uni.
Union camp and Arts OWeek! Should have went for Arts Camp, such a waste.7. Sign membership for all/most that I'm interested.
PRU and Bizcom? But turn out not to my expectations.8. Get into hostel.
Got offered a place in Temasek, but rejected. Lol.9. Study hard & score well.
Hmm, definitely not my fullest effort into studying, and my results pretty much met my expectations.10. Be a better owner to Junior.
Well, apart from not taking him out for walks, I do pamper him! With treats and new toys!On a different note, I received 2 Christmas cards today! Still thought it would be bare this year but I sure am happy to have gotten cards from Serene and Bernice. SMSes are but only SMSes, and cards do mean alot to me. But I must admit I was slightly busier this year for cards so I did not send out any, opps!
思念是一种病 {12:48 am}
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
As I was walking back home, I gazed upon the heavens. Semi clouded but the moon was still big, round and very beautiful. Peering closer, plentiful of stars do fill out brightly lighted sky too. I do wish to own a star too, a star to call my own.
I think I do have that star in mind. The one that is ever shining so brightly. But would that star choose to be mine?
Ah, twinkle twinkle little star..... ..... .....
思念是一种病 {1:25 am}
Monday, December 24, 2007
Ah, am sitting at Orchard Spinelli as I am typing this entry. Been quite a while since I last blogged. Pretty busy with training both on a company level as well as agency level. Production has been fair so far and has much to be improved on.
Lugging this 2.54kg laptop around sure trains my left shoulder muscles while at the same time depleted my energy faster. It has been a tiring day but it was fun.
Unsure whether to proceed is the right choice, maybe taking a step back is what I should do. Already feel like buying another lighter laptop for work, but will see whether work does require me to have a lighter one.
Waiting.. .. .. ..
思念是一种病 {4:34 pm}
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Ah! Exams are over! YAYness! Ok, it has been over since Tuesday. Apart from boring trainings, it was back to back going out!
Wednesday met up with EA classmates for dinner and talk cock. The only class that I'm close to afterall. Headed down to Zouk for mambo night. Music wasn't that great, pretty boring in fact. Reached home at around 4+ and watched Newcastle's match! Great match against Arsenal.
Thursday went out for dinner and roamed the malls of Tampines! Which is 2 in fact but it was nice nonetheless.
Went for dinner and pubbing with ocip mates yesterday too! My post birthday celebration, and it was fantastic. Playing orientation games and having to drink our very own cocktail of drinks as forfeit is so old school times. And I got a pair of fins as my birthday present! Just what I needed for my future diving trips next year.
I guess going out with friends does take my mind of other things. Things that I do not wish to ponder too much over are swept aside temporarily when I'm drinking and having fun. And it looks here to stay. Shall not 想太多 and let things flow naturally.
思念是一种病 {2:49 pm}